“I have always tried to do it, but really I have very little time or interest to manage my finances”

Barrister, age 50

Our Insight

We have a deep understanding of the unique practice of Barristers.  Our experience and research reveals that today’s barristers face financial and personal challenges few have time to address.

  • Managing cashflow;
  • Being time poor, getting started, leaving it too late;
  • Getting caught in the debt trap;
  • Making ad hoc financial decisions; and
  • Trying to manage multiple “financial” advisors.

Our Solution

We believe in 5 Key Principles to address these challenges:

  • Run your practice like a business
  • Use banking to your advantage
  • Protect your practice and your life
  • Plan for financial independence
  • Seek professional help early

Take the first step today, arrange a Life Plan meeting